Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2nd photograph

As you can see, there are gaps between the pieces of bluetack used to lift up the cardboard. That is where the air is supposed to enter when the cars moves. The air would go thorugh there and be deflected by the front part of the cardboard and hence clear off the water droplets.

Photograph 1

Well, this is the 1st image of my prototype. Not very much but it is environmental friendly, simple, yet still fufills its purpose. As you can see, I have not sawn off the bottom half of the prototype and have not pasted the transparency plastic, for I do not have the saws and everything. We would probably look for more help from manufacturing companies.


Semi-Finals are only 2 DAYS AWAY!!!
GUYS ! BUCK UP! Let's pass the semi-finals with FLYING COLOURS!

New prototype possibility

We have met up again, to further discyss the making of our prototype. We have agreed that the prototype would look rather awkward as it would be very bulky. We have gone around one of our team member's block to get some feedback from the people living there, and they too, like us, thought that the mirror would look extremely bulky, especially on a car. Hence, we have decided tomodify the design to make it more simple, less complex, and equally efficient. We have thought of modifying the side of the mirror instead of the top so it would make it less unsightly, however, it was a failed idea, as when we took a closer look at the side of the mirror near to the car window, we found out that there was a serious lack of space, and if the mirror were to be modified there, the mirror would be unable to close.

Due to this problem, we have decided to forgo the idea of using a fan and small pipes to direct the air to the mirror, as that would need a lot of space and money to maintain. We instead, decided to deflect the air blown towards the mirror and redirect it to the mirror itself. Not only does it lessen the space needed to modify the mirror, it is also as efficient.

Even after that, the space beside the side mirror is still too small, and hence, we gave up on modifying the mirror there, instead modifying the top of the mirror. Since it is not as bulky now, it is not as unsightly as well.

Pictures of our prototype would be posted soon.

Happened (7th July)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Meeting among ourselves

We have decided on a few improvements on our gadget. First, we decided on a piece of sticky plastic/rubber to be pasted on the mirror. This would prevent too much condensation from occuring. Also, we also had to decide on who we should target for our gadget, and whether it should be fixed to the mirror or an add-on feature. Each has its pros and cons.

If the gadget is an add-on feature, there is a risk that it might drop off accidentally if you were to wash your car or something. If it were a fixed feature however, it will not drop off, BUT, it will be more difficult to install and make, unlike an add-on.

Also, our target audience would change, according to what our gadget would be. If our gadget is a fixed item, our target audience would be car companies and manufacturers. If it is an add-on however, then our target audience would be car users.

Finally we have decided on making a gadget that is fixed onto the mirror. as it is much sturdier.

Happened (Today)

Saturday, May 23, 2009


We are starting on our survey now. We are going to interview who supports our prototype. If less people support our prototype, we will think of ways to improve on it.

Posted by: Caijie

Monday, May 18, 2009

First meeting with mentor since prelims


We have been quite slacking on the project since the preliminaries and now we are starting our project "officially". We just had our first meeting with our mentor today, 18/05/2009. We discussed with our mentor some of the materials needed for the first prototype. There were some realistic suggestions from our mentor which are:



-small fan

This is just the materials needed for the first draft so we will still give you the exact materials later on.

We also discussed on our jobs and i am the powerpoint manager as usual, while Bin Hui and Jarel do the webpage designs and the prototype making. Chen CaiJie will handle the survey and polls and record the data for us to collate.

By Zhang Aolun (Black Bullet) Happened on 18th May